Tag Archives: block party

Liveblogging the Block Party, Part 5.

Well, the cops finally shut the music down a few minutes ago. The Siren has to sing tomorrow morning, so we’re turning in. All in all, it was a great party.

Here are a few final pictures, of Unfocused Girl on a late night bike ride, and one of people dancing before the Man shut us down.

Liveblogging the Block Party, Part 4.

The kids are finally both in bed. Junior crashed first, with a meltdown when our guests went home around 10.  Unfocused Girl rode her bike in the dark for another hour, until I finally was able to catch her, at which point she promptly collapsed from exhaustion.  Now it’s grownup time – music for another hour or so (until the cops shut us down), then hanging around until exhaustion kicks in. Last year we ended up in one of the neighbor’s above-ground pool at 3am; I think we’ll probably cash out a little earlier tonight.

Liveblogging the Block Party, Part 3.

The silly string battle rocked, but the highlight was Junior’s mad science experiment, dropping Mentos into different kinds of diet soda.

Diet Coke worked best.  If you haven’t seen the videos of people doing this, I suggest you go to youtube and search “Diet Coke and Mentos.”

Up next: the giant slide!

Liveblogging the Block Party, Part 2

So far, so good. The slip ‘n’ slide has been well-used without excessive injury, the city jumping jack has been and gone, and the kids have played two cut-throat games of musical chairs. The adults play later.

Here are a few pictures:

Liveblogging the Block Party, Part 1.

Every summer, our block has the awesomest block party, and today is the day. The Unfocused Kids are beyond excited, and while we are still going to Taekwondo, Unfocused Girl has asked that we skip our weapons class afterwards to come back sooner.  The Siren has been up since god knows when getting a big ol’ brisket on the grill so that it will be ready for dinner.  The giant slip ‘n’ slide showed up at 8am, two hours early, we closed off the street a little early and things are getting started.

I’ll try and check in now and then during the day, maybe post some pictures.  I may not post much — the block party is pretty intense — but I’ll give it a shot.

Hope your Saturday is also filled with awesome.